Elite VIP Club
Access downloads by clicking any of the tabs or selecting download all.November 2016 Elite Club Members ONLY!
Welcome to the Elite Club! A maintenance platform designed to keep you connected to all of Coach Lisa’s best practices and secret sauces. Why re-invent the wheel? Now you have monthly access to fresh content every 30 days! The Elite Club is for graduates of the Elite Sales Coaching Programs that Lisa offers. If she makes any changes, updates or creates a new system you will be the first to know through the Elite Club.
Make sure you open these files to order your paper asap and get them ready! Also, check out the contest for the month… light moneywork with a BIG PRIZE at the end of each month! Thank you for continuing your journey through the Elite Club! Here we GROW!
To access this month’s files please click on the images below and the download will begin automatically.

Please click on any of the buttons below to access this months Elite Club tools!
Suggestion Box

Put a suggestion in the box for the Elite Club! It can be something you would like to see added or a topic to cover. Any suggestions you have are appreciated!